Order of classes: Once the Entry Forms have been received, the order in which classes will take place will be determined and everyone will be duly informed. Programme changes will only be allowed after January 1st in exceptional circumstances.

Amateur status: The Festival is for amateur performers only and professionals are not eligible to enter. A professional is considered to be one who derives the major part of his/her livelihood from singing performance.

Preparation for the Festival

Entrants are reminded that it is advisable to keep the whole weekend of the Festival free.
In preparing their programme, performers are advised to choose material appropriate to their age and stage of vocal development.
It is requested that performers dress appropriately for the occasion.
An official accompanist will be available throughout the Festival, but performers may bring their own accompanist if they wish.
Refer to all the key dates below and adhere to all the required deadlines.

Contact at the time of the Festival: Should a performer need to make contact at the time of the Festival, the Festival may be contacted on 07939 565829 or 07510 699821.

Photographs, Recording Equipment and Mobile Phones: Due to copyright law and the Festival’s safeguarding policy, members of the audience, as well as performers and their supporters, are not allowed to take photographs or make audio or video recordings at the Festival. Therefore, the use of any kind of camera, recording equipment, mobile telephone or other computerised device is strictly forbidden. However, the Festival may appoint a designated, authorised photographer/ videographer/ sound recordist (‘authorised person’) to take/ record official photographs ('images') and/ or video/ sound recordings ('recordings') for publicity purposes to promote the work and ethos of the Festival and for the benefit of the performers. Performers should indicate on the Entry Form a) if they or their supporters have any objection to being included in any of the official images and/ or recordings taken by the authorised person and b) if they give permission for any such official images and/ or recordings made to be used for Festival publicity purposes, etc., without further consultation from the Festival.

Music for the official accompanist: Should you require the services of the official accompanist, unfolded, legible copies must be sent in an A4 sized envelope with your Entry Form by 9 November 2024. Our accompanists request that your own choice music is sent as either original copies or photocopies and NOT pdf downloads. Music is not required for classes where pieces are specified unless a different edition. It may be necessary to have your package weighed to avoid underpayment of postage. NB: original copies are required by the adjudicator on the day.Copies of all music should be labelled with your name and class number.

Adjudicators: all adjudicators are appointed by the David Clover Festival of Singing. No performer, teacher or member of the audience may approach the adjudicator in each class venue unless invited to do so, nor engage the adjudicator in conversation or discussion on any matter, before or after a session, or whilst the session is in progress, otherwise disqualification may be incurred.

Cancellation of a class: In the event of a class being poorly subscribed, it may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Committee and the entry fees returned.

Car Parking: Car parking at Dore and Totley United Reformed Church is limited to on-street parking in the vicinity of the church. Car parking is plentiful in the grounds at the Tapton Hall and is free of charge.

Entry and Exit: No person will be allowed to enter or leave the hall during any performance or adjudication as movement tends to distract the performer, accompanist, adjudicator and the rest of the audience.

Equal Opportunities Policy: No person shall receive less favourable treatment or consideration on the grounds of race, colour, religion or belief, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, age (i.e. 9 or over), disability or marital status, or be disadvantaged by any requirement or condition that cannot be justified. The opportunity for people to compete in the Festival is provided through a variety of classes. All sessions are open to a public audience and the Festival only uses venues that have made provision for people with physical disabilities. The Festival will keep under review its policy, procedures and practices on equal opportunities.

Festival Help: We want to see the Festival continue to provide opportunities for the encouragement and development of all its entrants, the competitive element being a means to an end. Even if you are a prospective performer or performer’s supporter, you could still help to further our cause by helping in two ways – as a volunteer helper and/or providing financial support. Volunteer helpers are a welcome and essential part of running the Festival and there is always a need for new people to assist in various ways. There is no need to be an expert, you just need to be committed, sensible, unflappable and a member of a team, but above all, have a sense of humour! You don’t have to be there all day, every day. Helpers can choose how much time they are able to give. If you would like to become a volunteer, please email enquiries@davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk for details. To continue to mount the Festival and engage specialist adjudicators, we need ongoing financial support and assistance from individuals and businesses who are interested in helping the amazing range of vocal talent to flourish. The cost of running the Festival increases each year, and although we receive some support from local organisations and individuals, we are faced with raising more financial support in the future.


Maybe you, or someone you know, can help to support the Festival in any of the following ways by:

• Becoming a Friend of the David Clover Festival;
• Sponsoring the Festival in a variety of ways, such as sponsoring a class or other aspect of the Festival;
• Advertising in future publications of this Handbook and/or the Festival Programme;
• Making a donation;
• Making a bequest.

If you can help in any of these areas of financial support, please contact the Festival via the email address: enquiries@davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk. Any financial assistance offered can be increased in value if you are a taxpayer and by ‘gift-aiding’ your contribution where appropriate.

Liability: The Festival does not hold itself responsible for any injuries sustained by any performer or member of the public whilst at Festival venues.

Lost Property: The Festival will not be responsible for property lost or damaged during the Festival.

Queries which are not covered in this Handbook may be made at: DCFS, 269 Dobcroft Road, Sheffield S11 9LG or email: dcfs@davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk

Refreshments: At Dore and Totley United Reformed Church drinks and light refreshments will be available throughout the day. Also, food may be obtained locally. Please ask for details at the time. At Tapton Hall, tea, coffee, alcoholic and soft drinks, bar meals and snacks are available all day at the bar adjacent to the Hallam Room.

Safeguarding Policy: A copy of the Festival’s Safeguarding Policy will be on display at the Festival and is also available on the Festival website (www.davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk). This Policy relates to children (under the age of 18) and also to members of vulnerable groups of any age who are identified to the Festival before their arrival at the Festival. Contact should be made by parents and/or teachers via the Festival email address(enquiries@davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk). Any subsequent reference to ‘children’ includes members of other vulnerable groups. The Festival will actively seek to meet the needs of children from ethnic groups and children with disabilities.

David Clover Festival of Singing is a Body of Persons Authority to fulfil the regulations on Child Licensing.

Safety of Performers: Teachers and parents should be aware of their responsibilities in entering any performers with limited physical capabilities or special needs. They should pass on any such information that might impact on the Festival’s work by email (enquiries@davidclover-festivalofsinging.org.uk) before the start of the festival.

Supervision of Children: Please note that all children under 16 years of age must be accompanied and supervised effectively. Supervision may come from a parent, an adult acting on their behalf, a teacher or a group leader. The David Clover Festival of Singing cannot take responsibility for unsupervised children at the Festival venues. Any person acting in a supervisory capacity will be expected to pay the normal admission fee.

Withdrawals and Class Start Times: As it is impossible to foresee the number of last-minute withdrawals from classes due to illness or for any other reason, the Committee reserves the right to start classes early, except for the first class of a session.

Please make sure you arrive in plenty of time.


Key Dates   

9 November 2024 Last date for the receipt of the Entry Form, fees, stamped addressed envelope and copies of music for the accompanists. These should be sent to: The Entries Secretary, DCFS, 29 Kerwin Drive, Sheffield S17 3DG.

31 January  2025 Afternoon and evening classes at Dore and Totley United Reformed Church, Totley Brook Road, Sheffield S17 3QS.

1 February  2025 Morning, afternoon and evening classes at Dore and Totley United Reformed Church, Totley Brook Road, Sheffield S17 3QS.

2 February 2025 Morning and afternoon classes, Festival Finals Evening: Recital Finals, Non-Recital Final and, Adjudications and Presentations at Tapton Hall, Shore Lane, Sheffield S10 3BU.

We look forward to meeting, welcoming and hearing all the performers and wish you a happy, enjoyable and successful time at the Festival.